Jean-Michel Severino

Chairman of Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P), member of the Académie des technologies and French General Inspector of Finance. Since 2010, he has been committed to social investments in Africa. He served as Director in charge of international development at the Ministry of Cooperation and Development, Vice President of the World Bank for Asia and, CEO of France’s International Development Agency (AFD) from 2001 to 2010. He has been a director of the board of EIB and Orange, has been the lead director of the Board of Danone, chaired the Board of Ecobank International and is a Board member of Michelin. He is a senior fellow of FERDI, the Fondation pour les études et la recherche sur le développement international. His last book, co-writen with Jérémy Hadjenberg, Entreprenante Afrique, dedicated to African entrepreneurship was published in 2017 by Odile Jacob.