Juliette M. Tuakli

Medical Director of FCA/Lucca Health Group in Ghana. She has achieved significant, sustainable impacts in public health, pediatrics, ethics, and philanthropy in Africa, the USA and Europe. As Chair of the Board of Trustees for United Way Worldwide from 2019 to 2022, Dr. Tuakli oversaw the diversification and strengthening of the organization’s governance within a complex global context. Since 2019 she has served annually as a judge in the health category for the UAE El-Zayed Sustainability Prize. In June 2022 she oversaw the launch of an Africa-wide Safe Surgical partnership between Mercy Ships and WHO, and the Global Mercy – the largest hospital ship in the world. In November 2022, Mercy Ships appointed her in the newly created role of Diplomatic Ambassador for Africa. Dr. Tuakli remains a Zenith Bank and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative International Board member, and she is also on the the board of the Global Vaccine Network. Most recently she joined the board of CarePoint: an Africa-focused healthcare company. She co-founded the MOREMI/UN Women Girls’ Leadership & Development program. She also spearheaded Women’s Initiative for Self-Empowerment for several years. The African Union has recognized her contributions to the continent. She has had a leading role in creating a focus on Health, as well as several speaking roles, at the WPC. Prior to working in Ghana, Dr. Tuakli was the first African female medical Professor at Harvard Medical School. Her highly acclaimed medical practice in Accra, Ghana was recently acquired by the US-based Black Ivy Group.