Lorenzo Gascón

Lorenzo Gascón is Academician of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain, of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Academician and Vice-President Principal of the Academy of European Culture. He served as Dean of the Illustrious College of Economists of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and as a member of the International Council of the US Information Agency. He is Honorary President of the European League of Economic Cooperation and board Member of the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe. He is also a WAAS Fellow. In addition he has been Chairman, President and CEO of several companies, including Tuneles y Autopistas de Barcelona S.A. and the Banco de Expansion Industrial. He holds a PhD and graduated from the Senior Management Program (PADE) of the IESE Business School. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Michoacan, Mexico and Lishui, China.