Mohamed Laichoubi

Ambassador of Algeria. Former Minister of Labor and Social Protection and Minister of Youths and Sports of Algeria. He also served as Prefect, Deputy, President of the Finance and Budget Commission at the National Assembly, member of the Commission of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Emigration. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Spain for Economic and Finance Sciences and of the Forum “Penser l’Europe”. Honorary member of the Barcelona Economics Network. Member of the Scientific Committee of the MS’10 Barcelona International Conference. He is Researcher, Lecturer and Teacher at the Higher School for Political Sciences at the Institute of Diplomacy and at the International Relations and the École nationale d’administration (ENA). He was a Board member of the High Institute of Management and Planning, National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the National Office of Statistics. He was also member of the mediator’s team for the resolution of the Northern Mali and Northern Niger Conflict, and Co-Editor of the agreements. He graduated from the University of Law and Economic Sciences.