Maurice Gourdault-Montagne

Former Ambassador, former Permanent Under Secretary of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After graduating from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris and the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) as well as from Paris-Assas where he completed a MA in Public Law, he joined the diplomatic service in 1978 in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he had his whole career, alternating between positions in France and abroad. He has notably been spokesperson for the Ministry (1991-1993), Private Secretary for the Prime Minister (1995-1997), Senior Diplomatic Advisor to President Jacques Chirac as well as Sherpa of G7/G8 (2002-2007), he was also in charge of strategic dialogues with India and China. He worked abroad in India and Germany as Secretary and Advisor to the Embassies and then as Ambassador in Tokyo (1998-2002), London (2007-2011), Berlin (2011-2014) and Beijing (2014-2017).