Christophe Poinssot

Deputy Director General and Scientific Director of the French Geological Survey BRGM, he is currently in charge of defining and implementing the overall scientific strategy of BRGM in the field of water and global warming, critical raw materials and circular economy, natural and technological risks, the development of geological knowledge and associated numerical data and services. After launching the PROMETIA international association in 2015, he was involved in 2021 in the preparation of the Varin’s report to the French government and coordinated in 2022 the preparation and launching of OFREMI, the French observatory in charge of monitoring the CRM value chains. He is also for 2023 and 2024 the Elected president of EuroGeoSurveys, the association of the European National Geological Surveys. He previously worked in the French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) where he occupied several management positions in the field of R&D. He was the Nuclear Counsellor at the French Embassy in China (Beijing) and the CEA representative in this country. An internationally-recognized expert in nuclear chemistry, he authored more than 60 papers in international journals (H>26) and >120 oral presentations in international conferences. He is decorated as Officer of the Palmes Académiques since 2017.