Jean Pisani-Ferry

Senior Fellow at Bruegel and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the European University Institute. He is also Professor at Hertie School of Governance (Berlin) and at Sciences Po Paris. Previously, he served as French Commissioner General for Policy Planning (2013-2016), Director of Bruegel, the Brussels-based economic think tank (2005-2013), Deputy Chairman of the French Economic Analysis Council (2001-2002), Senior Economic Advisor to the French Minister of Finance (1997-2000), Director of CEPII, the French institute for international economics (1992-1997). He is an engineer from the École supérieure d’électricité, Paris. He also holds a Master’s degree in mathematics and an advanced degree in economics from the Centre d’études des programmes économiques (CEPE, Paris). In the first half of 2017, he contributed to the campaign of Emmanuel Macron as Director of the Program and Ideas Division.