Dean of the College of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and Director of the Center for Cyber-Physical System at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, where he leads the SESAR research lab, and President of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber-physical systems, secure service-oriented architectures, privacy-preserving big data analytics and cyber-physical systems security. He has held visiting positions at several international institutions, including Universities in the US, Japan, Australia and France. He is a Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Progress of Science. He has been Principal Investigator in several Next Generation Europe research projects funded by the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Research and by private companies. He serves in the editorial board of several international journals. Ernesto Damiani is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He received the IEEE IES Chester-Sall Award in 2007, the IEEE ICWS/Service Society Stephen S. Yau Award and the IEEE TCHS Research and Innovation Award.