Jean-Marc Astorg

Director of Strategy of CNES since 2022, which includes in the new CNES organisation the strategy but also prospective, future studies & technology maturation, preparation of new programs, industrial policy and interfaces with private and public partners. Since 1991, he has been deeply involved in the Ariane launcher family, taking increasing responsibilities in the development of the European launcher. In particular, he was the project manager of the Ariane 5 new upper stage ESC-A development from 1997 to 2003, which is still operational today. He then directed the ‘Soyuz in French Guiana’ project, from 2003 to the first launch in 2011 consisting to build a launch pad in French Guiana for the Russian Soyouz rocket. In 2012 after the first flight of Soyouz in French Guiana, he became the CNES Director of Procurement, Sales and Legal Affairs also in charge of Intellectual Property. In 2015, he was nominated the CNES director of Launch Vehicle, managing a team of 300 engineers in charge of the CNES support to Ariane 5 exploitation, the construction of the Ariane 6 launch pad and the preparation of future launchers through demonstrators like Prometheus, Callisto and Themis. He graduated from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1985.