Jean-Michel Quatrepoint

French journalist and Co-President of the Institut de l’Iconomie. He was the head of the Nouvel Économiste (1997-2000), editor of La Lettre A (1993-1997), editor of the daily newspaper La Tribune de l’Expansion (1991). He was also Managing Director of La Tribune and l’Agefi (1984-1985), journalist in the economic section of Le Monde (1973-1984), journalist at the daily newspaper Les Echos (1970-1973). He is the author of La Crise Globale (2008) and La Dernière Bulle (2009) (Editions Mille et une Nuits, Fayard), Mourir pour le yuan (2011) Editions Bourin and  Le Choc des Empires (2014), Gallimard, Alstom scandale d’Etat, Fayard (2015). He graduated from the CFJ (French centre for journalism studies).