Tim Figures

Associate Director EU & Global Trade and Investment of the Boston Consulting Group. Tim Figures is a senior expert on geopolitics and trade impact within Boston Consulting Group’s Global Advantage practice, working with private and public sector clients globally. He has 25 years of experience at the intersection of public policy, international geopolitics, business regulation, and strategy.  He has sectoral experience in international aviation, manufacturing, energy, transport and telecoms. He has worked extensively in the UK, EU, and international environments, including over 10 years spent in Brussels negotiating trade, investment and regulatory issues for both the European Commission and the UK Government. Following the Brexit referendum in 2016, he served as the Ministerial Advisor on EU affairs and trade to the UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. From 2019-2020 he was Policy Director for the UK’s leading manufacturing trade association, Make UK, working to help the industrial goods sector navigate the twin geopolitical events of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic.