Sri Lanka: Lionel Zinsou préoccupé de la fragilité des démocraties émergentes

Le samedi 09 Juillet dernier en Sri Lanka, des milliers de manifestants en colère ont envahi le palais présidentiel obligeant le chef de l’Etat à prendre la poudre d’escampette. Cette actualité ne laisse pas indifférent le banquier d’affaire, Lionel Zinsou qui a exprimé son inquiétude sur la fragilité des démocraties émergeantes dans le monde.

Dans un entretien accordé au site Suisse Brick et rapporté par le quotidien « LNT », l’ancien premier ministre béninois Lionel Zinsou s’est prononcé sur la situation en Sri Lanka qui selon lui est l’expression de la fragilité des démocraties émergeantes dans le monde.

En effet, excédés par la crise économique dont l’une des causes est la grande corruption au sommet de l’Etat, des manifestants ont investi le palais présidentiel contraignant le président Gotabaya Rajapaksa à fuir son lieu de travail. Evoquant la situation dans ce pays à régime démocratique socialiste, le banquier d’affaire Lionel Zinsou pense que la situation en Sri Lanka concerne tout le monde « et ne doit surtout pas laisser indifférent ».

« Dans le cas du Sri Lanka, le régime autoritaire des Rajapaksa n’était plus en mesure d’assurer le maintien de l’ordre. Or, cette question se pose dans d’autres pays, y compris les démocraties comme l’Afrique du Sud« , a fait remarquer le banquier d’affaire pour qui, le pire de la situation mondiale actuelle, est la fragilité des démocraties émergeantes.

La situation de Sri Lanka guette la Tunisie…

Pour l’économiste franco-béninois, les situations comme celles du genre actuellement en cours en Sri Lanka prennent leur source dans la crise surtout économique. A croire le banquier d’affaire, lorsque les populations sont à bout de souffre et n’arrivent plus à s’en sortir, il faut des institutions assez fortes pour résister.

Dans ce genre de contexte, plusieurs régimes surtout les régimes totalitaires font usage de la force pour empêcher les populations de manifester. D’autres régimes comme c’est le cas en Afrique du Sud font l’option du dialogue. Dans tous les cas, prévient l’ancien premier ministre béninois, la situation ne doit laisser indifférente personne.

Il pense même que la Tunisie est menacée par ce qui s’est passé en Sri Lanka si rien n’est fait pour améliorer la situation dans ce pays. L’économiste trouve quand même des situations atténuantes en Tunisie. A le croire, « les tunisiens ont des ressources , pétrole et phosphate qui pourraient être bien mieux valorisées et rapporter bien plus à la collectivité« .


Lire l’article sur le site de Bénin Web TV.

Louise Mushikiwabo: « Rwanda’s multilingual status creates opportunity as business hub for Africa »

Louise Mushikiwabo was named as secretary general of L’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in 2018. Rwanda is in the unique position of having temporary stewardship of arguably both the most influential English and French speaking organisation in the world. File photo

As Kigali hosted the 47th l’Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) which concluded on 9th July 2022, the conference was a timely reminder of the need to maintain and rebuild the usage of French in schools and in every day life in Rwanda and cement the country’s status as a multilingual country.

In 2018, former foreign minister, Hon Louise Mushikiwabo was named as secretary general of L’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), an organisation with 54 full members containing a population of one billion people, dedicated to promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity, peace, democracy and human rights; to support education, training, higher education and research; and to foster economic cooperation to bolster sustainable development.

The move came after an eight-year cooling of relations between Kigali and Paris following Rwanda accusing France of being complicit in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi which culminated in Rwanda dropping the French language from the school syllabus.

Upon her appointment in 2018, Mushikiwabo said, “As secretary-general, I intend to give importance to French in an increasingly multilingual world because I am convinced that French has its place among other languages and for the good of the world.”

Following President HE Paul Kagame’s taking over the chairmanship of The Commonwealth during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which took place in Kigali the previous week, Rwanda is in the unique position of having temporary stewardship of arguably both the most influential English speaking organisation in the world and the most influential French speaking organisation in the world.

This puts Rwanda in a strong position to achieve its strategy of becoming an international hub for business, particularly as a location for businesses to place their African headquarters.

The recently established Kigali International Financial Centre (KIFC) seems to be the main conduit to turn this ambition into a reality.

It has legal and regulatory standards for compliant and safe financial transactions comparable to world leading financial centres enabling the use of investment vehicles which address the needs of the local ecosystem and structuring of cross-border transactions.

With an average annual growth rate of 8.6 per cent over the past ten years, Rwanda is one of Africa’s fastest growing economies which with the addition of the KIFC is now poised to become one of the continent’s leading financial centres.

Rwanda is ranked second in sub-Saharan Africa in the World Global Rule of Law Index and second for ease of doing business. Rwanda is also recognised as among the least corrupt and safest countries on the continent.

Rwanda has established a strong Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) network with many countries and the country is extending its network in Africa and with leading developing economies and entered into Investment Protection Agreements with several other countries.

The country’s position in holding temporary stewardship of both The Commonwealth and L’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie allows the opportunity for Rwanda to act as the gateway for Anglophone businesses to open up opportunities in Francophone Africa and for Francophone businesses to open up opportunities in Anglophone Africa.

The only other countries in Africa listing both English and French as official languages are Seychelles and Mauritius* (*Mauritius’s constitution gives no mention of an official language but members of parliament are also allowed to address the national assembly in either English or French) which are both strong international financial centres, but unlike Rwanda, lack direct air links into most of Africa; Cameroon, where French and English is spoken depending on region; and Burundi, which recently added English as an official language, but has an underdeveloped financial sector and has the world’s lowest GDP per capita according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Rwanda must do its best in not only promoting itself to Anglophone and Francophone businesses with an interest in Africa during this period, but also promoting the use of both languages in schools to maximise the benefit that ordinary citizens can also derive from Kigali becoming an Anglophone and Francophone and international financial centre.

The importance of Swahili cannot be downplayed as both a regional language and one that is evolving to become an African lingua franca. It is a recently recognised official language in Rwanda as well as an official language in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as well as official language of the African Union (AU), East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC), as well as a recognised minority language in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Mozambique and spoken in parts of Comoros, Madagascar, Malawi, Mayotte, Somalia and Zambia.

Botswana, Ethiopia, South Africa and South Sudan are non-traditionally Swahili speaking countries which have added the language to their curriculum.

Promoting English, French and Swahili nationally can help Rwanda to claim pole position for companies wishing to trade with both Anglophone and Francophone Africa whilst also stimulating trade within East Africa and allowing citizens to derive the benefits of these developments through employment, business and trade opportunities.


Read the original article in The New Times.

Moscow signals a shift to a more aggressive phase of Ukraine war

In an indication that Russian forces were ending what they called an operational pause in their invasion of Ukraine, the defense minister of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, on Saturday ordered his forces to intensify attacks “in all operational sectors” of the war.

As the Ukrainian government disclosed modest new ground attacks by Russian forces, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement that Shoigu had instructed that combat be intensified to stop Ukraine from shelling civilian areas in Russian-occupied territory.

After deadly Russian missile strikes across Ukraine in recent days that killed civilians, the statement was a new signal from Moscow that its invasion may be entering a more aggressive phase.

Shoigu’s statement appeared to be a response to Ukraine’s new ability to hit Russian targets in occupied areas due to more advanced, longer-range Western weapons, including the U.S. HIMARS precision-guided rocket systems and the French Caesar artillery pieces. Ukraine claims to have hit at least 30 Russian ammunition and logistics sites with the new longer-range weapons in the past two weeks.

Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested to lawmakers that Russia would escalate the war. “Everyone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything seriously yet,” Putin said.

The wreckage of a car burns in a crater after a Russian missile strike in Dnipro, in central Ukraine, on Friday. Indiscriminate Russian attacks on civilian areas have become a hallmark of its invasion, and this week, an international conference in The Hague sought to coordinate an approach to the overwhelming allegations of war crimes in Ukraine. | DANIEL BEREHULAK / THE NEW YORK TIMES
The wreckage of a car burns in a crater after a Russian missile strike in Dnipro, in central Ukraine, on Friday. Indiscriminate Russian attacks on civilian areas have become a hallmark of its invasion, and this week, an international conference in The Hague sought to coordinate an approach to the overwhelming allegations of war crimes in Ukraine. | DANIEL BEREHULAK / THE NEW YORK TIMES

There were signs of new ground fighting in the hotly contested Donbas region, where Russian forces have taken one of its provinces, Luhansk, and are trying to take the rest of another, Donetsk, as well. Ukrainian military and regional officials reported five probing attacks along the crescent-shaped front line in the Donbas.

Ukrainian troops using “heavy fire” repelled a renewed overnight ground assault to capture the main road link between the cities of Lysychansk and Bakhmut, said Serhii Haidai, military governor of Luhansk, an assertion echoed in a report Saturday by Ukraine’s general staff. The road has been bitterly contested for months.

The latest analysis by the Institute for the Study of War said Russian forces were “likely emerging from their operational pause,” citing a series of limited ground assaults northwest of Sloviansk, southeast of Siversk, along the Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway and southwest of the city of Donetsk. “These assaults may indicate that Russian forces are attempting to resume their offensive operations in Donbas,” the analysis said, while noting that “the assaults are still small-scale and were largely unsuccessful.”

Some soldiers serving on front-line positions in the Donetsk region question whether the Russians ever actually paused, saying they have been under constant attack on the ground and with artillery and aerial bombardment.

The sound of heavy explosions is often audible from the front-line cities of Sloviansk and Bakhmut. Smoke from fires dots the horizon south and east of Bakhmut, where Russian forces have been trying to advance.

A rocket hit a small fruit-and-vegetable market in Bakhmut on Friday afternoon, wounding several people. Early Saturday, three more rockets struck a factory and a house in Kostiantynivka but without causing any casualties. “My cafe is broken. Factories are smashed. Everything is closed,” said Vitaliy, 40, as he repaired the boards on his cafe windows the day after the blast. “There is nothing left. What will the people buy?”

A shop hit by shelling Saturday in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Saturday, where Russian troops are trying to advance. Ukrainian military officials said Ukrainian troops repelled an overnight assault by Russia to capture the main road link between the cities of Lysychansk and Bakhmut. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES
A shop hit by shelling Saturday in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Saturday, where Russian troops are trying to advance. Ukrainian military officials said Ukrainian troops repelled an overnight assault by Russia to capture the main road link between the cities of Lysychansk and Bakhmut. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES

In the early hours of Saturday, at least three civilians were killed and three more were injured in a Russian rocket strike on the northern Ukrainian city of Chuhuiv, about 75 miles from the Russian border, regional police said.

In the neighboring Sumy region, one civilian was killed and at least seven more were injured after Russians opened mortar and artillery fire on three towns and villages not far from the Russian border, the regional governor said Saturday.

In Donetsk, seven civilians were killed and 14 more injured, the regional governor said Saturday.

The major strike came Thursday, when a Russian submarine fired cruise missiles into the heart of Vinnytsia, a city of 370,000 people about 125 miles southwest of Kyiv, the capital.

Ukrainian officials said that strike killed at least 23 people, including a 4-year-old girl with Down syndrome, causing outrage in Ukraine and the West.

A Ukrainian soldier plays with a puppy as he speaks on his phone near the front lines in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine on Thursday. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES
A Ukrainian soldier plays with a puppy as he speaks on his phone near the front lines in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine on Thursday. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Russian defense ministry said the strike on Vinnytsia was directed at a building where top officials from Ukraine’s armed forces were meeting foreign arms suppliers. Ukrainian officials have denied that the building contained military targets.

The war is causing significant economic stress in the rest of the world, reducing global growth both this year and next, Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, told a hybrid meeting of Group of 20 finance ministers and heads of central banks.

“The war in Ukraine has intensified, exerting added pressures on commodity and food prices,” she said in a statement Saturday. “Global financial conditions are tightening more than previously anticipated. And continuing pandemic-related disruptions and renewed bottlenecks in global supply chains are weighing on economic activity.”

Adding to the stress in Germany, which has been dependent on Russian energy, was a new statement by the Russian gas monopoly, Gazprom, urging German company Siemens to return a turbine it has repaired in Canada to ensure the Nord Stream 1 pipeline delivering gas to Europe can resume working after a 10-day maintenance period that began Monday.

Despite Western sanctions on Russia, Canada has agreed to grant what it has described as a time-limited and revocable permit for Siemens Canada to allow the turbine’s return. But Gazprom claims it has received no guarantees that the unit will be returned.

Germany was already coping with a 60% reduction in gas supplies through that pipeline, amid fears that Russia will not resume deliveries after maintenance. Conservative politicians have revived debate on extending the life of the country’s three remaining nuclear power plants, which produce about 6% of Germany’s electricity, a sensitive topic for the Greens, now in government. The plants are supposed to be shut down by the end of this year.

A resident walks by the entrance of a destroyed bazaar hit by shelling Saturday in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Saturday, where Russian troops are trying to advance. Bakhmut has been battered by shelling this week, as Russia seeks to take the remaining Ukrainian-held areas of Donetsk province. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES
A resident walks by the entrance of a destroyed bazaar hit by shelling Saturday in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Saturday, where Russian troops are trying to advance. Bakhmut has been battered by shelling this week, as Russia seeks to take the remaining Ukrainian-held areas of Donetsk province. | MAURICIO LIMA / THE NEW YORK TIMES

The European Union has banned the import of Russian coal, but a ban it imposed on oil imports is only gradual and partial. And there is no agreement on banning imports of natural gas. Brussels has also compromised on allowing Gazprom to be paid effectively in rubles, as Russia has demanded, with euro deposits into Gazprom’s own bank immediately shifted into rubles.

The EU has also backed off on enforcing full sanctions on goods moving from mainland Russia to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. The enclave is separated from the rest of Russia by Poland and Lithuania; Lithuania created tensions with Moscow by announcing that it would impose EU sanctions on Russian goods traveling by train to Russian Kaliningrad through Lithuania.

After fierce Russian complaints, Brussels “updated” its guidelines and said Russia would be allowed to transport civilian-use goods on the sanctions list through Lithuania by rail — though not by road — in amounts comparable to pre-invasion deliveries over the past three years.

There can be targeted checks, Brussels said, to ensure that sanctioned military and dual-use goods and related technologies are not part of the rail shipments.

As Russia seeks more answers to counter the newer NATO mobile artillery systems, it has turned to Iran to explore buying that country’s sophisticated armed drones, the U.S. national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said last week. On Saturday, a senior American official said that satellite images showed a Russian delegation visiting Iran to view unmanned, weapons-capable drones that could be purchased for use in the war in Ukraine and that could be used to better target the new NATO artillery in counter-battery strikes.


Read the article on the Japan Times, originally published in the New York Times.

Josep Borrell : « La reprise des exportations de céréales est une question de vie ou de mort »

Plus de 20 millions de tonnes de céréales sont bloqués dans des silos ukrainiens. Le chef de la diplomatie européenne Josep Borrell appelle à trouver une solution de toute urgence.

La reprise des exportations de céréales depuis l’Ukraine est une « question de vie ou de mort » et nous avons « espoir » qu’un accord soit trouvé cette semaine pour débloquer le port d’Odessa, a déclaré lundi le chef de la diplomatie européenne, Josep Borrell.

« La vie de (…) dizaines de milliers de personnes dépend de cet accord » en train d’être négocié entre la Russie, l’Ukraine, la Turquie et les Nations Unies, a-t-il expliqué à son arrivée à Bruxelles pour une réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’UE consacrée à la guerre en Ukraine.

Le projet d’accord vise à faire sortir par la mer Noire quelque 20 millions de tonnes de céréales bloquées dans des silos ukrainiens à cause de l’offensive menée par Moscou. Il doit aussi faciliter les exportations russes de céréales et d’engrais, affectées par les sanctions occidentales qui frappent les chaînes logistiques et financières russes.

Les sanctions, une erreur?

La Russie a annoncé un « document final » pour une réunion organisée cette semaine par la Turquie. L’Union européenne entend poursuivre sa pression sur Moscou avec de nouvelles sanctions ainsi qu’un soutien financier et militaire à l’Ukraine, a annoncé Josep Borrell.

« Certains dirigeants européens ont déclaré que les sanctions étaient une erreur, une faute. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une erreur, c’est ce que nous devons faire, et nous continuerons à le faire », a-t-il affirmé en réponse à une déclaration du Premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban.

Ce dernier avait dénoncé les sanctions vendredi, y voyant « une erreur » car « elles n’ont pas atteint leur but, et ont même eu un effet contraire ». « L’économie européenne s’est tiré une balle dans les poumons et est asphyxiée », avait-il affirmé dans une allocution.

La Commission européenne a présenté vendredi de nouvelles mesures, dont un embargo sur les achats d’or à la Russie. Les ministres doivent par ailleurs se prononcer sur le déblocage d’une cinquième tranche de 500 millions d’euros de la « Facilité européenne pour la paix » pour financer les équipements militaires et les armes fournies à l’Ukraine.

Lire l’article sur le site de BFM TV.

How Shinzo Abe saved the Japan-U.S. alliance from collapse

Maintaining strong ties should serve as a lesson for the country’s leaders

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, with U.S. President Donald Trump in 2017. Abe met Trump 14 times when he led Japan, helping to bolster bilateral relations.   © Kyodo

TOKYO — Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s contribution to diplomacy and security cannot be underestimated. While having significantly reinforced the Japan-U.S. alliance, his Indo-Pacific initiative has prompted major nations to rethink their geopolitical strategies.

Read the original article on the Nikkei website.

Is China Winning Latin America?

While the West has largely ignored Latin America, or tried to force the region to bend to its will, China has been offering regional actors huge perks, with none of the conditions (at least not up front). Unless the US and Europe change tack, they could end up losing a critical region – and the new cold war.

Is the West losing Latin America? During the Cold War, this question was feverishly discussed in Washington, DC, and beyond. Now, the return of great-power competition and the potential revival of spheres of influence – together with the recent wave of left-wing electoral victories in the region – are giving it renewed salience.

For the West, the looming specter of hot conflict with authoritarian regimes, from Russia to China, has again highlighted Latin America’s importance as a partner. At the same time, however, the United States and its allies are preoccupied by the war in Ukraine, including, not least, its implications for energy markets and economic prosperity.

Read the entire article in Project Syndicate.

Migrations : et si on revenait à la raison?

OPINION. L’ancien ministre français des Affaires étrangères Hubert Védrine, propose une cogestion des flux migratoires économiques entre les pays de départ, de transit et d’arrivée, par la fixation périodique de quotas par métier

« L’Europe passoire et l’Europe forteresse sont deux approches absurdes et irresponsables », écrit Hubert Védrine, ancien ministre français des Affaires étrangères. A l’image, un camp de migrant sur l’île grecque de Kos, en novembre 2021. — © ARIS MESSINIS / AFP

On pourrait évidemment prendre la question migratoire de façon manichéenne. Ce serait plus facile! Soit considérer que les pays d’Europe doivent se fermer complètement à tous les mouvements migratoires et que les demandeurs d’asile ne sont que des immigrants illégaux à refouler de toutes les façons, et exciter les foules contre ces invasions. Soit, au contraire, considérer que tous les immigrants (rebaptisés réfugiés), méritent de trouver asile, au sens le plus élargi du terme, dans les différents pays d’Europe et pourchasser de façon vindicative, par des déclarations morales grandiloquentes et des guérillas judiciaires, tous ceux qui n’acceptent pas ce principe d’ouverture généralisée.

Lire l’article original sur le site Le Temps.

Renaud Girard : « Le moralisme contreproductif des Occidentaux »


Renaud Girard. Jean-Christophe MARMARA/Le Figaro

CHRONIQUE – La leçon de morale est un instrument diplomatique périmé à l’ère numérique. Ce qui compte, c’est le soft power décrit par Joseph Nye.

A l’occasion du bouleversement stratégique que constitue la guerre d’Ukraine, les Occidentaux commencent à comprendre que leurs leçons de morale ne sont plus entendues par la majorité des populations de la planète. L’Occident, ce grand bloc de démocraties libérales industrialisées (Amérique du Nord, Europe, Japon, Corée du Sud, Australie), est seul à avoir pris des sanctions contre la Russie, pour la punir de la guerre qu’elle fait à l’Ukraine depuis le 24 février 2022.

Est-ce à dire que les pays d’Afrique, d’Asie et d’Amérique latine approuvent l’invasion de l’Ukraine par les forces russes? Non. Car ils sont très attachés à la charte des Nations unies, qui sacralise la souveraineté, l’indépendance et l’intégrité territoriale de tous ses membres, petits comme grands, jeunes comme anciens. Or l’Ukraine est un pays souverain, reconnu comme tel par les Russes depuis trente ans. Au sommet du G20 des ministres des Affaires étrangères, qui s’est tenu à Bali les 7 et 8 juillet 2022, ces pays extra-occidentaux…

Lire l’article original sur le site du Figaro.

Ukraine : l’UE refuse que le G20 serve de «plateforme de propagande» pour Moscou

L’UE refuse que la Russie se serve des réunions du G20 en Indonésie comme d’«une plateforme pour sa propagande» sur le conflit en Ukraine, a averti jeudi la porte-parole du chef de la diplomatie européenne Josep Borrell.

Une rencontre des ministres des Affaires étrangères des pays du G20 se déroule dans l’île de Bali jeudi et vendredi pour préparer le sommet des dirigeants des vingt puissances prévu pour novembre au même endroit. Josep Borrell n’a programmé aucune rencontre avec le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov pendant ces deux journées, ont indiqué ses services.

«Une menace pour la crédibilité»

«La guerre effroyable contre l’Ukraine et les conséquences de l’agression de la Russie seront abordées au cours de ces réunions, mais nous ne permettrons pas que Moscou utilise le G20 comme une plateforme pour sa propagande», a déclaré sa porte-parole, Nabila Massrali, au cours du point de presse quotidien de la Commission européenne. «La participation de la Russie à un haut niveau peut constituer une menace pour la crédibilité, l’efficacité et la pertinence du G20», a-t-elle mis en garde.

L’Indonésie a invité le président russe Vladimir Poutine au sommet de novembre à Bali, malgré la pression occidentale, notamment des États-Unis, pour l’isoler. En guise de solution de compromis, Jakarta a également convié le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky. «Il n’est pas question pour l’UE de boycotter le G20, car il reste un forum essentiel. Nous devons nous assurer que le multilatéralisme peut fonctionner en temps de crise», a ajouté la porte-parole, alors que le monde est confronté à des menaces de famine, à la flambée des prix de l’énergie et de l’alimentation et à l’emballement des risques climatiques.

Le G20, le club des 20 plus grandes économies du monde, compte dans ses rangs des États occidentaux qui ont imposé des sanctions à Moscou, mais également d’autres pays plus réservés, comme la Chine, l’Inde et l’Afrique du Sud.

Lire l’article sur le site du Figaro

Philippe Chalmin : « L’assemblée met en place un groupe de suivi pour faire la lumière sur les causes de l’inflation »

Un groupe de suivi de l’inflation a été mis en place au sein de la commission des affaires économiques de l’Assemblée nationale. Objectif : faire toute la lumière sur les causes de l’inflation, qui a été de 4,3 % entre décembre 2021 et juin 2022. Le président de l’Observatoire de la formation des prix et des marges des produits alimentaires, Philippe Chalmin, était la première personnalité auditionnée, jeudi 7 juillet.

Quelles sont les causes réelles de l’inflation ? C’est à cette question que va tenter de répondre le groupe de suivi de la commission des affaires économiques, dont Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance) a annoncé la création ce jeudi matin. « Producteurs, transformateurs et distributeurs commencent à s’accuser mutuellement« , a souligné le président de la commission. « Cette situation n’est pas saine et mérite un éclairage des représentants de la Nation. »

Les résultats de ces travaux sont attendus pour le début du mois d’août, à l’issue d’un cycle d’auditions et de tables rondes. Xavier Albertini (Renaissance) et Aurélie Trouvé (La France insoumise) ont été nommés co-rapporteurs du groupe. En parallèle, la mission d’application à 6 mois de la loi Egalim 2 présentera son rapport. « Avec ce dispositif, on aura une vision assez globale du sujet« , s’est félicité Guillaume Kasbarian. Selon l’Insee, les prix ont connu une hausse de de 4,3 % entre décembre 2021 et juin 2022.

La création de ce groupe de suivi intervient dans un contexte particulier : depuis une semaine, plusieurs groupes d’opposition ont fait valoir leur volonté de demander la création d’une commission d’enquête sur le sujet, pour déterminer la part que représenterait notamment la spéculation dans la hausse des prix. Après LFI, le 1er juillet, c’est le RN qui s’est manifesté lundi, indiquant avoir déposé une résolution avec la même volonté d’investigation. Guillaume Kasbarian a toutefois rappelé que la mise en place d’une commission d’enquête ne pourrait pas intervenir avant le mois d’octobre, pour des résultats prévus pour le mois d’avril 2023. « Mais libre à vous d’utiliser votre droit de tirage« , a précisé le député. Contactée par LCP, Aurélie Trouvé a d’ailleurs confirmé que LFI maintenait sa demande.


Philippe Chalmin, président de l’Observatoire de la formation des prix et des marges des produits alimentaires, était auditionné ce matin par la commission. Parmi ses nombreuses interventions, l’économiste libéral a quelque peu tordu le cou au rôle joué par la guerre en Ukraine sur la hausse des prix dans l’alimentation. « Il y a une exagération incontestable« , a-t-il pointé ajoutant immédiatement qu’il existait cependant bien une crise alimentaire mondiale, dont les prémisses étaient visibles avant l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, et davantage explicable par « l’insuffisance des politiques agricoles« .


Philippe Chalmin a notamment pris l’exemple du prix des pâtes, dont la hausse constatée sur un an oscille entre 15 % et 45 % selon les marques. Or, les pâtes alimentaires sont conçues à base de blé dur, qui n’est pas produit en Ukraine, contrairement au blé tendre. « La guerre en Ukraine n’a donc aucune incidence sur le prix des nouilles« , a résumé le spécialiste des matières premières. Les causes sont à rechercher du côté du Canada, un des gros producteurs, qui a été touché par une sévère sécheresse.

Plus largement, Philippe Chalmin a constaté de très fortes tensions sur les marchés alimentaires, dès 2021, liées à des phénomènes climatiques et au comportement de la Chine. Cette dernière a ainsi triplé ses importations en grains par rapport à 2019. Le conflit ukrainien a donc pu avoir un impact sur certains secteurs déjà fragilisés, comme les oléagineux, mais n’a pas autant d’influence que certains l’avancent, y compris concernant les céréales, a-t-il assuré.

Lire l’article sur le site de LCP.

Will the Ukraine War Fuel Nuclear Proliferation?

While it is tempting to think that Ukraine would have remained safe if only it had held onto its Soviet-era nuclear warheads, that framing of the issue is too simplistic. Ultimately, all countries would benefit more in the long term from a strong non-proliferation regime than from possessing their own arsenals.

CAMBRIDGE – When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Ukraine inherited part of its nuclear arsenal. But in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine agreed to return these weapons to Russia in exchange for “assurances” from Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States that its sovereignty and borders would be respected. Russia brazenly violated this promise when it annexed Crimea in 2014, and tore up the Memorandum with its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Many observers have concluded that Ukraine made a fateful mistake by agreeing to surrender its nuclear arsenal (once the world’s third largest). Are they right?

n the early 1960s, US President John F. Kennedy predicted that at least 25 states would have nuclear weapons by the following decade. But in 1968, United Nations member states agreed to a non-proliferation treaty that restricted nuclear weapons to the five states that already had them (the US, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China). Today, just nine states have them – the five named in treaty signatories plus Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea – but there are more “threshold states” (countries with the technological ability to build nuclear weapons quickly) considering the option.

Read the entire article in Project Syndicate.

« La trinité impériale chinoise »

CHRONIQUE – L’ambition de Xi Jinping est de rester dans l’histoire comme l’un des trois empereurs contemporains.

Après 900 jours sans voyages par crainte du Covid, Xi Jinping a effectué le 30 juin et le 1er juillet 2022 son premier long déplacement officiel. Il ne s’est pas rendu à l’étranger mais, symboliquement, dans un territoire chinois qui fut longtemps dominé par les étrangers.

L’île de Hongkong fut concédée en 1842 à la Couronne britannique par le «traité inégal» de Nankin, après que l’empire du Milieu eut perdu la première guerre de l’Opium. C’est une guerre que Londres fit aux Chinois pour les obliger à laisser entrer sur leur marché la drogue produite en Inde, qui était à l’époque le joyau de l’empire de la reine Victoria. La colonie s’agrandit en 1898, à la faveur d’un bail de 99 ans sur les «Nouveaux Territoires».

Lire l’article dans son intégralité sur le site du Figaro.

Vingt-cinq ans après la rétrocession, « il n’y a plus de vie politique à Hong Kong »

Le 1er juillet 1997 la Chine reprenait possession de Hong Kong. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, Hong Kong connaît une reprise en main par Pékin de plus en plus sévère. Mais tout n’est pas joué, selon le sinologue Jean-Pierre Cabestan, de l’Université Baptiste de Hong Kong.

Le 30 juin 1997, trois soldats britanniques montent pour la dernière fois l’Union Jack sur le Cénotaphe du district central de Hong Kong.
Le 30 juin 1997, trois soldats britanniques montent pour la dernière fois l’Union Jack sur le Cénotaphe du district central de Hong Kong. | STEPHEN SHAVER, AFP

En seulement vingt-cinq ans, dans un mouvement qui s’est largement accéléré depuis l’arrivée de Xi Jinping à la tête du pouvoir chinois en 2013, Hong Kong a perdu une grande partie des libertés d’expression politique qui la caractérisaient sous le contrôle des Britanniques. Xi Jinping a même tenu à venir, en personne, à l’occasion de cet anniversaire, marquer ce qu’il qualifie de «renaissance» de l’ancienne colonie. Analyse avec Jean-Pierre professeur à l’Université Baptiste de Hong Kong.

Lors de la rétrocession de Hong Kong, le Royaume-Uni et la Chine se sont engagés à respecter le principe : « un pays, deux systèmes ». Que prévoyait ce « deal » ?

La Grande Bretagne exigeait des garanties politiques, institutionnelles et juridiques pour préserver les libertés existantes et la démocratie. La Chine a accepté de préserver l’économie et le mode de vie « capitalistes » de Hong Kong, alors que le reste du pays vivait sous le « socialisme ». Mais c’est la distinction fondamentale faite par le Parti communiste chinois : préserver le « capitalisme », oui, mais il ne parle pas de démocratie.

La promesse a-t-elle été tenue ?

Hong Kong a vécu avec une certaine autonomie politique. La plupart des libertés politiques ont été préservées (presse, association, multipartisme, parole, manifestation) et les élections devaient devenir courantes… Sauf que, dès le départ, le Chef de l’exécutif a été choisi par Pékin, et formellement élu par un comité électoral dominé par ses partisans. On est loin de l’idée de départ qui était d’évoluer progressivement vers une élection du parlement (le Conseil législatif) et du Chef de l’exécutif au suffrage universel direct ; promesse non tenue, d’où la frustration des Hongkongais.

Comment s’est construite la reprise en main chinoise de Hong Kong ?

Elle a pris un virage décisif en août 2014. Pékin annonce une réforme du mode d’élection du chef de l’exécutif, qui peut se résumer ainsi : ok, on introduit le suffrage universel direct mais c’est nous (le PC chinois) qui choisissons les deux ou trois candidats susceptibles de se présenter ». ​Personne d’autre que Pékin ne pouvait proposer des candidats à ce poste, pas même les partis politiques de Hong Kong.

Lire l’entretien dans son intégralité sur le site de Ouest France.

Les cryptomonnaies n’ont rien d’une monnaie

Les cryptomonnaies portent mal leur nom. Leurs cours sont très volatils et les coûts de transactions sont gigantesques, or ce sont deux des principales caractéristiques d’une monnaie, explique Hélène Rey. Leur régulation devient inéluctable, ce qui fera prendre conscience de leurs déficiences.

Par Hélène Rey (professeure d’économie à la London Business School, chroniqueur aux « Echos »)

Publié le 30 juin 2022

Il y a deux grandes réunions annuelles durant lesquelles banquiers centraux et universitaires échangent leurs vues sur les sujets importants du moment lors de discussion d’articles de recherche et de panels : le symposium de Jackson Hole organisé par la Réserve fédérale des Etats-Unis et le symposium de Sintra organisé par la Banque centrale européenne qui a lieu ces jours-ci. De nombreux sujets y sont abordés, reliés à la politique monétaire ou aux changements structurels du monde dans lequel les banques centrales opèrent.

Le rôle des cryptomonnaies et la création de monnaies numériques de banque centrale (MNBC) en particulier a été discuté en profondeur. Les caractéristiques des monnaies sont bien connues. Elles doivent être des bons moyens d’échange (les coûts de transaction doivent être bas), ne doivent pas perdre leur valeur rapidement (l’inflation doit être modérée ou transitoire) et elles doivent être de bonnes unités de compte (le coût de notre panier de consommation doit pouvoir être facilement exprimé dans notre monnaie).


Lire l’article dans son intégralité sur le site des Echos.

Tripolar world ushered in by the rise of ‘neutral’ powers

India, Turkey, others aim to expand influence through delicate balancing act

The world is split into three major political blocs, with « neutral » powers like India and Turkey gaining influence by playing the two old camps, Western and Russia-China, off against each other.

TOKYO — Japan is one of the major powers that is least sensitive to changes in the world order, thanks to its « privileged » U.S. protection from foreign aggression, and it continues to develop its security policy on the assumption that the U.S.-led global order will continue.

This is by no means misguided, but recent geopolitical developments have made a coolheaded reassessment of the long-term viability of the U.S.-centric order more urgent than ever.

Roughly four months after Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, it has become clear that the postwar order built on Washington’s leadership is on the verge of collapse. There is no dearth of facts to support this view. When the United Nations voted on a resolution to strip Russia of its seat on the Human Rights Council on April 7, 100 countries either voted against, abstained or did not vote, versus 93 nations that voted in favor.

According to the Economist Intelligent Unit, as of March 30, countries that have joined the international sanctions against Russia, or at least criticized it for its aggression against Ukraine, account for just 36% of the world’s population. Most are Western democracies.

Meanwhile, 64% of the world’s people live in countries that are either neutral on the conflict in Ukraine or have expressed « understanding » or « support » for Russia. The neutrals make up 32% of the global population and include India, Brazil and South Africa. The rest, the pro-Russian camp, includes China and Iran.

A tally shows the results of a vote to remove Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council during an emergency session of the U.N. General Assembly on April 7.    © Reuters

The leaders of major Western democracies, including U.S. President Joe Biden, like to say the world is united in denouncing Russia’s aggression, but that is obviously not the case. This reality was highlighted by the Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia’s premier defense summit, held on June 10-12 in Singapore.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida denounced Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, as did defense ministers from Japan, the U.S., South Korea and Australia. All of them warned of China’s increasingly assertive military behavior, calling for unity to counter what they see as a Chinese threat.

But their criticism of Moscow and Beijing was not echoed by many countries in Southeast Asia or the South Pacific. Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said his country has healthy ties with Russia, which he described as « a very good friend. » He also called China its close partner.

Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein made clear his country’s neutral position, while his Fijian counterpart, Inia Seruiratu, said the island nation will try to reap benefits from its relations with all countries, including China.

Indonesia’s Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto speaks at the second plenary session of the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 11.    © Reuters

Such remarks would have been unthinkable in a world where the U.S. was securely in charge. Many participants from Southeast Asia and India at the conference said U.S. leadership has been in steady decline for around 10 years, with many citing the following events:

In August 2012, then-U.S. President Barack Obama warned his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, that the use of chemical weapons would cross a « red line » and invite U.S. intervention. Undeterred, Syrian forces killed hundreds of people with sarin gas the following year. Obama did not respond. Also in 2013, Obama declared the U.S. would no longer act as « the world’s policeman. » He took no action to stop the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 or to prevent China from building military bases in the South China Sea.

His successor, Donald Trump, adopted an « America First » policy, in effect ceding U.S. leadership in world affairs. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is taking place against this geopolitical backdrop.

In hopes of further undermining U.S. influence, Moscow has been stepping up its pressure on Asia. For example, it has threatened to halt shipments of arms components to Southeast Asian nations if they back the Western condemnation of Russia’s « special military operation » in Ukraine, according to one diplomatic source in the region.

Russia is Southeast Asia’s largest arms supplier. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Russia sold some $10.9 billion of weapons to countries in the region between 2000 and 2021, more than the U.S. did.

Big buyers of Russian arms, especially Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, would have trouble operating their militaries if Russia were to cut them off. It is safe to assume that Moscow is applying similar pressure to countries in the Middle East and Africa that rely on Russian military equipment.

China is using not just diplomatic pressure but also economic aid and investment to win over developing countries.

These development point to the end of the U.S.-led world order and its replacement not by a world without poles, or « G-zero, » as some experts have predicted, but by a tripolar world where three blocs of nations compete for global influence.

The first group consists of Western and Asian democracies, such as the U.S., the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Britain and Canada. The second bloc comprises China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other authoritarian countries. The third is a loose coalition of « neutral » nations not allied with either the West or the China-Russia bloc. This camp includes India, South Africa, Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil.

As the confrontation between the « West » — including its Asian members — and the China-Russia bloc intensifies, the neutrals sense an opportunity to expand their influence through a careful balancing act. Encouraged by their success, large countries in this third group, such as India and Turkey, are now more actively pursuing their own agendas.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, right, meets British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss in Ankara, Turkey on June 23.    © Reuters

Turkey, for instance, brokered peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, then held a foreign ministers meeting with Britain on June 23 to explore ways of ending Russia’s blockade of Black Sea ports.

India, for its part, has stepped up its imports of Russian oil since March, but at the same time is working with Japan, the U.S. and Australia as part of the Quad group to counter China’s expansion.

As many of these « neutral » nations do not rely on a security alliance with any leading power, they eschew grand statements of principle, tending to focus on narrower interests. This makes it harder for them to stay as united on any given issue as either the Western democracies or the China-Russia alliance.

Leading Western powers need to bring these fence-sitters to their side and restore the status quo. But doing so will not be easy. To have a hope of success, Western countries must identify the needs of these nations and patiently build relationships with them based on mutual interest. The West may not have much choice: China is set to engage in diplomatic efforts with the same goal in mind.


Read the original article on the Nikkei website.

« L’horizon d’une “coalition d’action” sera probablement court »

L’économiste liste, dans sa chronique, les sujets sur lesquels le gouvernement et les différentes oppositions pourraient trouver un accord au cas par cas.

Emmanuel Macron a clairement annoncé que seuls les partis ayant déjà gouverné, ensemble ou séparément – Parti communiste (PC), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), Parti socialiste (PS), Ensemble ! et Les Républicains (LR) –, pourront faire partie d’une possible « coalition d’action », tandis qu’en seraient exclus La France insoumise (LFI) et le Rassemblement national (RN), qui n’ont jamais gouverné. Le programme de gouvernement va devoir faire rapidement se confronter les protagonistes de la campagne électorale à la réalité. Il va falloir, en effet, prendre la mesure des investissements indispensables à brève échéance, que ce soit en matière de transition écologique, de résilience économique, de restructuration du système énergétique, d’éducation, de santé ou de défense. Dans l’immédiat, il va falloir, en outre, accepter qu’on ne pourra pas faire entendre raison à un agresseur – la Russie –, prêt à réduire ses revenus de 20 %, si on ne peut pas supporter que les nôtres baissent de 2 %. Ainsi, tout cela impliquera une ponction notable sur le pouvoir d’achat.

C’est au gouvernement bientôt remanié qu’il appartiendra de fixer l’addition. Et il devra compter juste. La soudaine remontée des alarmes sur les taux d’intérêt publics est sans nul doute excessive, mais elle signale un risque de panique qu’il faut endiguer. La France, dans ce contexte, doit trouver le bon équilibre budgétaire : certainement pas replier bagage de manière précipitée, comme en 2011-2014. Pas non plus, cependant, oublier toute discipline, à la manière du « quoi qu’il en coûte » de la période 2020-2022, qui n’a en fait pas été si onéreux, mais qui a laissé une trace politique impérissable. La première ministre ne peut pas décemment exiger des partenaires potentiels de la « coalition d’action » de s’inscrire dans la seule logique du projet présidentiel, mais M. Macron a cependant fixé certaines limites à la possibilité de s’en affranchir.

Terrains de compromis

Quels sont alors les terrains du compromis ? Les écologistes seront jugés sur un seul sujet : l’ambition climatique et, au-delà, l’ambition écologique du programme. La France est gravement en retard sur l’horizon d’une réduction de 50 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici à 2030, et elle ne peut rattraper ce retard qu’en accélérant le déploiement des renouvelables et en misant sur la sobriété.

Lire la chronique dans son intégralité sur le site du Monde.

BSOG’s Beacom says company has no war risk insurance for Black Sea gas projects

Black Sea Oil and Gas (BSOG) does not have war risk insurance for the Ana and Doina natural gas fields, which have recently started production, but the project moves forward, BSOG CEO Mark Beacom said on Tuesday.

He participated in a ceremony at Vadu, Constanta County, to mark the start of natural gas exploitation under the Midia project operated by BSOG. The first gas from these blocks entered the national grid on June 15.

According to Beacom, there is no war in Romania’s economic zone, but there is an impact. Mines have been detected near the platform, there were warships around, planes flying over the platform. Serpent Island, he said, is not far away, and they have witnessed Crimean platforms being bombed and everything is so close. But he added the company will carry through its project.

Asked if the project is insured against such events, he said no. He said you can’t have insurance when you’re operating near a war, so the company has to take up the risks.

Asked if BSOG will drop the lawsuit filed against Romania over some provisions in the Offshore Drilling Law that are still in force, he replied that he has not yet made a decision.

In his turn, Gabriel Comanescu, CEO of Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP), the company that built the project, pointed out that this is the largest infrastructure project carried out in Romania in the last 30 years.

« It was a complicated project. The first engineering works started in 2019, laying the pipeline on land and under the sea took 90 days, and training started a year before. The offshore platform has no human operators, there is only maintenance and emergency response, » Comanescu said.

According to him, the BSOG project is a huge step forward towards reducing Romania’s dependence on natural gas imports.

« It is a project made 95% by GSP. From my point of view, it is the largest infrastructure project of the last 30 years, a brand new, tailor-made one. It is made by our strength, made by a Romanian company. It’s like we started with a Trabant and ended with a Mercedes S Class, » added Comanescu.

Read the original article on the website Act News

The fallacy of unity government is paralyzing Lebanon

Lebanon’s parliament speaker is calling for a unity government that will rescue the country from its calamities. However, the reasons for these calamities and for Lebanon’s failure to have proper governance are mutilated concepts like unity government, “mithakia,” which means proper representation among all sects, and “consensual democracy,” which means all the different parties should be included in policymaking.
Lebanon has always had unity governments and none have been able to put forward any real program for the country. The concept of unity government came about after the death of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and was enforced after the Doha Agreement. During the time of Hariri, which extended from 1992, shortly after the end of the civil war, until 2005, the government was one of technocrats.
When Hariri took power after the Taif Agreement, the two main Christian parties were put out of power. Michel Aoun was in exile and Samir Geagea was in prison. Other politicians who kept their places under Taif, like Nabih Berri, the speaker of the parliament, and Walid Jumblatt, benefited from inflated government contracts in return for their acquiescence.
Many say the Hariri years institutionalized corruption. However, during the Hariri years, there was a business plan driving the country. After his death in 2005 came the concept of unity government. This was enforced after the 2008 Doha Agreement, which gave Hezbollah and Amal a third of the Cabinet and the power to veto government decisions.
Lebanon also has the mutilated concept of mithakia, or the fallacy of representation among the sects, which was reinforced after the Doha Agreement, i.e., each one that is strongest in his denomination should be assigned a position for that denomination. So, the Sunni party that gets most of the Sunni seats in parliament should have the premiership, the Shiite party that has most of the Shiite seats should have the speaker’s position, and similarly for the Christians and the presidential role.
The political class has no plan for the country, just a power-sharing scheme that ultimately shares the spoils of the state and through which each party uses some government facility or department as its fief, from which to extract as much money as possible. Former foreign minister and the president’s son-in-law, Gebran Bassil, who is a main pillar of corruption in the country, spelled it out on the sidelines of the 2019 World Economic Forum at Davos. He said that Lebanon could teach London and Washington how to manage a country without a budget.
Thus, the country was turned into a “farm,” as one of my Gulf colleagues described it. Although he added that even a farm has more order than Lebanon. There is no order to anything, just a corrupt class of elites agreeing among themselves to pillage the country. They fight over the ministerial quotas for each party and compete over the most lucrative ministries, like the Ministry of Energy and Water, where all the fatty fuel contracts go. No one can be held accountable as they are all part of the government. This was the motivation for the memorable slogan of the protest groups, “killun yaani killun” (all means all).

The political class has been very clever in benefiting the most from power while holding no responsibility for what has happened. This is mostly represented by Bassil’s famous line, “ma khalouna,” meaning “they did not let us,” blaming the failure on others.
A unity government is not really a democratic practice. Democracy means the minority follows the majority, which rules while the minority is in opposition and keeps a check on those who rule. Today, in the US, the administration is a Democratic one and not a hybrid between Democrats and Republicans. Similarly, in the UK, the government is a Conservative one headed by Boris Johnson, while the Labour Party is in opposition. The party that wins an election puts together a comprehensive political, economic and security strategy for the country and is held responsible for its success or failure.
One might say that, in the US, the people directly elect the head of state, while in Lebanon the parliament elects the president. Others might say that, unlike the US and UK, where there are dual-party systems and where the political scenes are divided between the liberal left and conservative right, Lebanon is a country where the political configuration is divided along sectarian lines.
Still, in the elections they are standing as blocks. For example, Hezbollah, Amal and the Free Patriotic Movement formed one block in the parliamentary elections. They represent the so-called resistance block. In the case of Lebanon, parties of similar thinking should form a coalition, with the coalition that has the majority of seats in parliament forming a government to put together a comprehensive plan and be held accountable for its execution and success. However, the leaders of the political class do not want any accountability. They know that, despite their differences on policy issues, they are “brothers” in corruption. They want to stay together and keep the status quo.
Today, Lebanon is collapsing and is in dire need of an International Monetary Fund bailout package. The Najib Mikati government, which is a unity government that took office from September 2021 to May 2022 and is now in caretaker status, was not able to seal a deal with the IMF. This was also the case of the government of Hassan Diab, which was in power from January 2020 until August 2021, when its members resigned en masse following the Beirut blast and it became a caretaker government. In total, two-and-a-half years of governments and caretaker governments have been unable to reach a deal with the IMF, which Lebanon badly needs because of this consensual democracy.
The mutilated concept of unity government and mithakia are driving political paralysis. It is giving an escape route to the different political parties, allowing them to blame the situation on others. The solution is to have one block form a government, put a comprehensive plan in place and be responsible in front of the Lebanese people and the international community.

Read the original article on the website Arab News

Why Japan doesn’t have a concrete China strategy

Postwar relations between China and Japan have seen a number of epoch-making occasions, and one of the most important events in recent years was the November 2014 summit meeting between then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The meeting became an opportunity for the two countries, which had been experiencing increased friction and tensions over the Senkaku Islands, to ease and stabilize strained relations.

Prior to the Abe-Xi meeting on Nov. 10, 2014, the governments of the two countries released a four-point statement titled “Regarding Discussions toward Improving Japan-China Relations.”

The statement said, “Both sides confirmed that they would observe the principles and spirit of the four basic documents between Japan and China and that they would continue to develop a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests.”

The four documents are the joint communique released on Sept. 29, 1972; the peace and friendship treaty issued on Aug. 12, 1978; the joint declaration released on Nov. 26, 1998; and the joint statement issued on May 7, 2008.

We can say that both countries share the common view that the documents serve as the basis of today’s China-Japan relations, although there are difficulties and uncertainties existing between them.

Nevertheless, Japan’s China policy fluctuated largely in the 30 years after the end of the Cold War and as a result it has been difficult for Tokyo to plan long-term policies.

But what constitutes a favorable Japan-China relationship from Tokyo’s viewpoint, and what kind of approach is Japan trying to take?

Several other questions also arise when trying to understand the ties between Beijing and Tokyo.

How should Japan regard China’s economic growth?

How does establishing favorable China-Japan ties comply with the U.S.-Japan alliance?

And how will Japan achieve a balance between the national interests of maintaining economic ties with China and the threats posed by Beijing from national security perspectives?

Japan’s basic stance on China seems to have been not having a China strategy.

In other words, it is difficult to show any documents that clearly describe Japan’s strategy on China.


So why did Japan lack a China strategy until now? There are three main reasons.

First is the complexity of Japan’s relationship with Taiwan.

The postwar China-Japan relationship had been based on ties with the “two Chinas” — the relations with Taiwan defined by the peace treaty signed by Tokyo and Taipei on April 28, 1952, the same day that the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force, and relations with China defined by the 1972 China-Japan joint communique and the 1978 peace and friendship treaty signed by Beijing and Tokyo.

And the outline of these relations was not built by Japan on its own initiative but rather was largely determined by the U.S.-China relationship of the times.

At the time of signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in September 1951, how to handle the two Chinas had been a difficult diplomatic issue between the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as between the U.S. and Japan. But the policy had been established for Japan to choose to side with the government in Taiwan.

After Japan normalized diplomatic ties with China in 1972, it became difficult for Tokyo to come up with a proactive strategy that would respond to the sensitive question of how to balance between China and Taiwan while respecting Beijing’s “one China” position.

Second is the issue of postwar settlements and perceptions of history.

Unlike other developed countries such as the U.S., the U.K. or France, Japan had to handle postwar settlements as a top diplomatic agenda in its relations with the governments of both Taiwan and China.

In other words, building a foundation for a diplomatic relationship with Beijing was postwar Japan’s one and only China policy goal, and Tokyo put in a great amount of effort to achieve it.

It was not the kind of goal that could simply be achieved with the conclusion of a peace treaty.

Third, in providing official development assistance (ODA) to China, Japan regarded it as an alternative to war reparations and, at the same time, tended to prioritize pursuing mutual economic benefits rather than political strategies.

Moreover, it is widely recognized in Japan that its ODA supported China’s modernization and economic growth. And it is true that such assistance strengthened economic ties between the two countries and nurtured mutual benefits.

The Foreign Ministry’s review of Japan’s ODA to China says: “Since 1979, ODA to China has contributed to maintaining and promoting the Reform and Opening Up Policy of China, and at the same time, it has formed a strong foundation to support Japan-China relations.”

Japan’s cooperation toward boosting the Chinese economy was inseparably interlocked with the issue of wartime settlements and perceptions of history.

The Foreign Ministry also said in 2018 that new ODA projects would be terminated in fiscal 2018 and all multiyear projects would be concluded by the end of fiscal 2021. This means that the end of fiscal 2021 in March this year represented the completion of a period in the postwar history of Japan-China relations.

Because of these reasons, it has been difficult for Japan to proactively plan a China strategy from long-term perspectives.

Japan’s China policy has so far been focused on short-term efforts to repair the relationship when it deteriorated, as well as on strengthening economic cooperation and friendship.

However, such times are coming to an end. We are now facing an era in which Japan needs to create a desirable China strategy on its own initiative, taking into account its long-term national interests.

Establishing ties

Then what is a desirable China strategy for Japan?

Japan’s China policy has been based on supporting China’s economic growth through ODA, regarding it as being in Japan’s national interests and hoping Beijing will play a constructive role in the Asia-Pacific region. But this is being forced to change.

Japan and China normalized diplomatic ties in 1972, thanks to great contributions by Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, who headed the Liberal Democratic Party’s middle-of-the-road Keiseikai faction, and Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira, who headed the party’s liberal Kochikai faction.

Meanwhile, the party’s conservative Fukuda faction headed by Takeo Fukuda had many pro-Taiwan lawmakers who were cautious about cutting ties with Taiwan and establishing diplomatic ties with the communist regime in Beijing.

The 1972 system stepped up further in 1978 when the Fukuda administration signed a peace and friendship treaty with China. This was a major step in that support for boosting economic ties and friendly relations with China had been established within the LDP regardless of factions.

The largest opposition Japan Socialist Party had been even more active than the LDP in developing ties with Beijing, and the Foreign Ministry’s China school had also been backing such efforts behind the scenes.

Such a consensus eroded gradually with the end of the Cold War and due to change in the power balance between Tokyo and Beijing brought about by Japan’s economic slowdown.

Furthermore, the current international environment largely differs from the Cold War era when the 1972 system was established.

China and Russia are now demonstrating a cooperative relationship, effectively working together like allies. A joint statement issued following a meeting between Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 4 said, “Friendship between the two states has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries.”

As two authoritarian regimes — China and Russia — deepen cooperation while democracies including Japan and Western countries enhance their partnerships, the international society is being increasingly divided into two camps, centered around the two sides of U.S.-China confrontations.

Japan must consider a China strategy by setting the framework for future China-Japan relations in a broader context of the changing global balance of power.

Japan’s diplomacy

Taking into account such changes in the global community, the government should make use of the meeting of the four ministers — the prime minister, the foreign minister, the defense minister and the chief Cabinet secretary — within the National Security Council and come up with a long-term basic policy to place the China strategy at the core of the nation’s security strategy.

Amid increasing tensions between Washington and Beijing, Japan needs to strengthen deterrence against China based on the U.S.-Japan alliance and at the same time maintain and boost multilayered communications with China, making diplomatic efforts to stably develop China-Japan ties to a certain extent.

On top of this, unlike the U.S., it is also important for Tokyo to take part in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership free trade agreement to proactively facilitate regional economic cooperation in East Asia in view of Japan’s national interests.

It is possible to advance cooperation with China for regional economic development while stepping up deterrence against Beijing and restricting economic relations with the country in certain economic areas from the perspective of economic security.

Completion of all ODA projects in China at the end of fiscal 2021 in March indicates an end to one era after World War II.

This means it is important for Japan to plan a long-term China strategy for the next 50 years within this year — the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties with Beijing — and share it within the government and also with the Japanese people.

Find the original article on the website The Japan Times

Philippe Chalmin dans Le Grand Journal de l’Éco

Ce mardi 28 juin, Nathalie Collin, directrice générale adjointe du Groupe La Poste, Patrice Geoffron, directeur du Centre de géopolitique de l’énergie et des matières premières (CGEMP Paris Dauphine), ainsi que Philippe Chalmin, fondateur du Cercle Cyclope et spécialiste des matières premières, étaient les invités dans la deuxième partie de l’émission Le Grand Journal de l’Éco présentée par Hedwige Chevriillon. Le Grand Journal de l’Éco est à voir ou écouter du lundi au vendredi sur BFM Business.


Regarder son intervention sur le site de BFM.

Aux sources politiques de la crise de l’énergie

Seules les décisions portées par Bruxelles et les poussées écologistes contre le nucléaire depuis vingt-cinq ans expliquent la situation actuelle.

Aujourd'hui, 29 des 56 reacteurs nucleaires francais (ici, le site de Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux, dans le Loir-et-Cher) sont a l'arret pour revision et maintenance. Cinq nouvelles centrales nucleaires devraient voir le jour, au mieux, en  2035.
Aujourd’hui, 29 des 56 réacteurs nucléaires français (ici, le site de Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux, dans le Loir-et-Cher) sont à l’arrêt pour révision et maintenance. Cinq nouvelles centrales nucléaires devraient voir le jour, au mieux, en  2035.© ONLY FRANCE / Only France via AFP

Par Jean de Kervasdoué

La crise de l’énergie, dont on n’a pas fini de payer les conséquences, ne doit à la guerre en Ukraine que d’en être la brutale révélatrice, car elle trouve son origine dans les politiques allemande, européenne et française menées depuis un quart de siècle.

Sa première source figure dans l’idéologie libérale qui a inspiré la folle régulation du marché européen de l’énergie en général, celui de l’électricité en particulier. La seconde est à rechercher dans l’idéologie écologique qui a combattu avec succès en France, mais surtout en Allemagne, tout développement de l’énergie nucléaire en laissant penser que le robinet du gaz russe serait toujours ouvert et que le vent, le soleil, et même la mer et la biomasse, suffiraient à le compléter.

Lire l’article intégral sur le site du Point.

Louise Mushikiwabo : « Rwanda : entre Francophonie et Commonwealth, retour sur une relation complexe »

Alors que se tient à Kigali la réunion des chefs d’État et de gouvernement du Commonwealth, la Rwandaise Louise Mushikiwabo revient sur les liens compliqués entre l’OIF, qu’elle dirige, et son pendant anglo-saxon.

Louise Mushikiwabo, secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie. © OIF

Cette semaine, à Kigali, une simple photo suffit à décrire l’importance symbolique de l’événement. Alignés, de gauche à droite, la première dame rwandaise, Jeannette Kagame, le prince de Galles, Charles – fils aîné de la reine Élisabeth II et prétendant au trône –, le président rwandais Paul Kagame et la duchesse de Cornouailles, Camilla Parker Bowles, seconde épouse du prince.

Après deux reports successifs depuis 2020, pour cause de pandémie, cette fois-ci est la bonne. Le sommet du Commonwealth se tient à Kigali depuis le 20 juin, et il culminera le 25 juin avec le sommet des chefs d’État et de gouvernement. Le contexte s’annonçait pourtant défavorable. Car, au cours des derniers jours, le Rwanda s’est retrouvé sous le feu croisé d’une double polémique de nature à entacher l’événement.

D’un côté, l‘accord atypique conclu avec le Royaume-Uni en matière d’hébergement – rémunéré – de migrants refoulés car considérés comme entrés illégalement sur le territoire britannique. De l’autre, le regain de tension dans l’est de la RDC, à la suite de l’offensive dans le Kivu du M23, un mouvement rebelle pourtant en sommeil depuis une dizaine d’années. Au Congo, on voit la main de Kigali derrière cet énième rebondissement du conflit, ancien, qui sévit dans l’est du pays. Déjà, la relation entre Félix Tshisekedi et son homologue Paul Kagame semble en avoir largement pâti, en un temps record, après un réchauffement diplomatique que l’on voulait croire durable.

Louise Mushikiwabo, la secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF), n’est pas directement concernée par ce tumulte. Mais, après avoir conduit la diplomatie rwandaise entre décembre 2009 et sa nomination à la tête de la Francophonie, en octobre 2018, elle connaît bien ces différents dossiers.

Lorsqu’elle est nommée à la tête du ministère rwandais des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération, le 1er décembre 2009, le Rwanda vient d’adhérer au Commonwealth un mois plus tôt. Et l’avant-veille de sa nomination, le Rwanda et la France ont annoncé officiellement la reprise de leurs relations diplomatiques, après trois années de rupture.

Lire l’article dans son intégralité sur le site de Jeune Afrique.

Reawakening NATO

No single summit can resolve NATO’s deficiencies and meet its lofty goals, from reaffirming shared values to enhancing resilience, especially with a conventional conflict raging on its eastern doorstep. But the Madrid summit can – and must – lay the foundations for a more united, robust, and revitalized alliance.

MADRID – Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly hailed NATO as the “most successful Alliance in history.” But, at their upcoming summit in Madrid, NATO heads of state and government will face serious challenges, from America’s weariness with Europe’s tendency to “trade away” geopolitical differences to tensions over Turkey’s efforts to block Finland and Sweden’s membership bids. Will transactional politics taint this summit – and NATO’s future?

To say that Russia’s war on Ukraine has upended European security and shaken NATO from its stupor is to state the obvious. The relative certainty that defined the world order over the last few decades has given way to great-power conflict and the specter of nuclear annihilation. Finland and Sweden’s applications for NATO membership represent not only a break from their own traditions of neutrality, but also the end of the post-Cold War era.

NATO’s priorities for the next decade, to be embodied in its next Strategic Concept – set to be adopted at this month’s gathering – are supposed to reflect this new reality. For example, it is expected to mention China for the first time. In another first, all of NATO’s Pacific partners (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea) will attend the summit, as will Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This is in line with calls – made, for example, by the United Kingdom – to create a more “global NATO” that boosts security in the Indo-Pacific region.

But can NATO’s newfound ambition withstand what increasingly looks like a protracted war of attrition in Ukraine, with the energy-market mayhem and economic turmoil it has engendered? Russia President Vladimir Putin is betting that the answer is “no,” and it might not be a bad bet. Despite bold early announcements by NATO allies, including promises of major defense-spending increases by many European countries, political fissures along the usual fault lines have already emerged.

French diplomatic activism and German dithering have become increasingly intolerable to the United States, which is determined not to allow a repeat of the debacle involving Nord Stream 2, the gas pipeline (now suspended) that left Germany dependent on Russian supplies. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan remains staunchly opposed to consider the membership bids of Finland and Sweden, owing to their history of hosting members of Kurdish groups that Turkey considers terrorists, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which the US and the European Union also have classified as a terrorist organization.

To be sure, this is far from the first controversy Turkey has generated within NATO; just last year, Turkey, defying the US, agreed to purchase more S-400 missiles from Russia. But, as former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen put it in an unusually candid interview, Erdoğan’s stonewalling on NATO expansion – motivated in no small part by the desire to extract concessions from the US – can be resolved.

Turkey’s intransigence is thus unlikely to derail the summit. But a decision on Finland and Sweden’s applications should be made soon; history shows – not least in Ukraine – that ambiguity over NATO membership can be worse than a flat-out rejection.

More broadly, Alliance members must not allow grandstanding and political horse-trading to take precedence over addressing the real challenges NATO faces, including streamlining a tangled command structure, adjusting its defense and deterrence posture, and resolving military shortfalls and operational challenges. Crucially, NATO must upgrade its tools to reflect the changing nature of warfare, which now is shaped as much by cyberattacks and – as the Ukraine war clearly shows – by disinformation as by guns and tanks.

The first steps toward meeting these imperatives must be made in Madrid. Of course, no single summit or text could resolve NATO’s deficiencies and meet its lofty goals, from reaffirming shared values to enhancing resilience, especially with a conventional conflict raging on its eastern doorstep. But the Madrid summit can – and must – cement NATO’s unity and lay the foundations for a more robust and revitalized Alliance.

As NATO’s main engine, the US has a crucial role to play in delivering this outcome. But European countries must also do their part, mustering the unity, vision, and will to develop its hard-power capabilities. We must do this not in the name of the dream of strategic autonomy, but to enhance NATO’s capabilities and clout. While Europeans are understandably wary of another “America First” leader – whether Donald Trump or an acolyte – coming to power in the US, the fact remains that it is in Europe’s self-interest to help the US reclaim its leading role on the world stage.

NATO has been on life support for years, and reviving it will be no easy feat. But the Alliance’s faculties remain very much intact, and with a concerted effort, it can be truly worthy of Stoltenberg’s praise. While rivals like China might still call it a remnant of the Cold War, they will still think twice – or more often – before challenging it. If NATO leaders fail, however, the West would be put at a serious strategic disadvantage.

Read the original article on Project Syndicate.

« Que sanctionnent les sanctions? »

Ursula von der Leyen, présidente de la Commission européenne. JOHANNA GERON/REUTERS

CHRONIQUE – Les États occidentaux ont mis en place des sanctions économiques pour punir la Russie de son invasion en Ukraine. Une véritable balle dans le pied des Européens.

Sur proposition de la présidente de la Commission européenne, les membres de l’Union européenne ont, le 17 juin 2022, adopté leur sixième train de sanctions contre la Russie, afin de la punir pour son invasion militaire de l’Ukraine. Quand Ursula von der Leyen présente ces sanctions à la presse, elles semblent de bon sens. Mais quand on les examine de plus près, on devient sceptique.

Dans le dernier train, il y a l’interdiction faite aux Européens d’importer du pétrole russe par bateau. En quoi cette sanction punit-elle l’appareil militaro-politique russe et le freine-t-elle dans son attaque du territoire ukrainien? Les hydrocarbures russes sont exportés vers l’Inde, la Chine, l’Afrique et l’Amérique du Sud ; jamais les revenus des groupes énergétiques russes ont été aussi élevés ; le taux de change entre rouble et dollar s’est accru depuis le début de la guerre le 24 février 2022.

Lire l’article dans son intégralité sur le site du Figaro.

Edi Rama: « Balkan membership hopefuls leave EU summit empty handed »


Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama arrives in Brussels, Belgium, 23 June, for the meeting of Western Balkans leaders with EU leaders.

The summit of European Union leaders and Balkan leaders failed to resolve a deadlock on Thursday (23 June) over a stalled EU membership application by North Macedonia, Albania and the European Union. This was despite Ukraine being officially invited to join.

Separately from the Ukraine decision on Thursday, leaders of six Balkan countries, Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo, Montenegro Montenegro North Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro expressed disappointment that negotiations have not begun or remain stalled after years of promising eventual EU membership.

« What has occurred is a serious blow (to the credibility) of the European Union, » Dimitar Kuvacevski, North Macedonia’s prime minister, said at a news conference after the Balkan-EU summit. He was referring to the lacklustre progress.

The EU reiterated its promise almost two decades back to the Balkans that it would grant them membership if they implemented deep economic, judicial, and political reforms.

An EU official stated that the meeting « clearly and unambiguously reiterated the European perspective on the Western Balkans » and the region’s future within the European Union.

However, the EU member Bulgaria has not lifted its veto since 2020 when it stopped accession talks with North Macedonia because of a dispute over history and language. The EU also links Albania’s progress to North Macedonia’s.

Edi Rama, the Albanian Prime Minister, said it was a « disgrace » to call Sofia’s inaction « impotent ».

Rama said that it was a shame that Bulgaria, a NATO country kidnaps two NATO countries in the middle of a war in Europe’s backyard with 26 EU countries sitting still in scary shows of impotence. » Rama was referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Rama briefly considered skipping the summit but decided to make his point clear to leaders during a closed-door session held on Thursday. The collapse of the Bulgarian coalition government on Wednesday prevented any breakthrough in Brussels.

These EU decisions are made by the 27 member states in unanimity.

Rama stated that even a pandemic or a threatening war would not be able to unify them, referring to the disunity of EU leaders.

However, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petrov, who represented his country despite losing confidence votes on Wednesday, stated that he hopes for support for North Macedonia within the Bulgarian parliament soon without providing more details.

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that there might be a solution to the issue next week. He also mentioned hopes that the parliament of Bulgaria would meet again to lift the veto against North Macedonia.

Balkan citizens long dream of joining the EU, after Yugoslavia’s disintegration in 1990s.

However, northern countries like France and the Netherlands have stopped the EU’s « enlargement », fearing that it will repeat the 2007 rushed accession of Romanian and Bulgaria and the badly managed migration of workers from eastern Europe to Britain. This has turned many Britons against the EU.

Read the original article on the site of Eureporter .

After 50 years of China-Japan economic ties, what comes next?

Many regard the 1972 normalization of diplomatic ties between Japan and China as historically important, since it restructured the international order that had been divided by the Communist camp during the Cold War.

But it also had a great impact on the global economic structure, laying the groundwork for China’s reform and opening-up.

Read the entire article on the site of the Japan Times.

Josep Borrell: « ​Iran and EU agree to restart nuclear deal talks on Borrell visit »

Indirect talks between Iran and the US are set to resume after the EU foreign policy chief visits Tehran to resolve the impasse.

Tehran, Iran – Iran and the European Union have agreed during a visit by the bloc’s foreign policy chief to resume nuclear talks with the United States that have stalled since March.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and the EU’s Josep Borrell announced during a news conference following a “long but positive” talk on Saturday that they have agreed that indirect talks between Tehran and Washington to restore their 2015 nuclear accord will restart within days.

Amirabdollahian told reporters that, for Iran, what matters most is that it can enjoy the full economic benefits that it was promised under the original deal.

“Whatever issue that can [negatively] impact Iran’s economic benefits will not be agreeable” for Iran and the government of President Ebrahim Raisi, he said.

“We hope, specifically, that the American side will this time realistically and fairly engage in committed and responsible acts towards reaching the final point of an agreement.”

Borrell also welcomed the resumption of the talks, saying a restored nuclear deal would benefit the region and the world.

He also said he would like to return to Iran in the future, presumably when US sanctions are lifted, to further discuss the “high potential” of expanding trade and energy ties between Iran and the EU.

The restarted talks will be aimed at “resolving the last outstanding issues”, he said in a series of tweets following the news conference, without elaborating.

Borrell and his deputy Enrique Mora arrived in Tehran late on Friday and met Amirabdollahian and chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani on Saturday. Borrell was also scheduled to have a meeting with Iran’s security chief Ali Shamkhani later on Saturday.

Iran and the US – which unilaterally abandoned the accord in 2018 under then-President Donald Trump and imposed harsh sanctions – had been in an impasse over how to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – as the nuclear deal is formally known – since March.

Read the original article in Al Jazeera.

Lionel Zinsou: « African economies see reasons for optimism despite crises »

From Covid-19 to the war in Ukraine, external crises have put pressure on African economies, but many on the continent see opportunities to undertake radical reforms.

Africa already showed some resilience during the pandemic as its economic contraction was less severe than in the rest of the world, shrinking by two percent compared to 3.3 percent globally in 2020.

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is weighing on the world economy, Africa faces a better outlook again in 2022.

« Africa is headed towards growth of around 3.7 percent, while in North America and Europe there is a real risk of recession », said economist Lionel Zinsou, formerly prime minister of Benin.

« We haven’t been the biggest victims of the pandemic, and we won’t be the biggest victims of the collateral consequences of the war in Ukraine », added Zinsou.

The conflict in Europe has fuelled a surge in global inflation, but Zinsou said growing prices for raw materials will compensate for the higher costs of imports in Africa.

Another positive signal is that investor confidence in Africa is up to a higher level than that before the pandemic.

Of 190 business owners in Africa who were questioned, 78 percent voiced confidence about their development prospects — compared to 61 percent before the Covid crisis, according to a report by the Deloitte accountancy firm.

‘Opportunity to transform’

The fallout from the war in Ukraine, however, remains a threat as it has driven up prices for wheat and other key agricultural products, sparking fears of famine in some countries.

« We are concerned about the slowdown in global growth and the availability for Africa of certain products such as wheat or fertilisers », Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara said during the Africa CEO Forum in Abidjan this month.

Makhtar Diop, general director of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a branch of the World Bank, said African economies « have taken a hit and haven’t regained their pre-2019 growth rates ».

« The situation remains particularly difficult with inflation which disproportionally affects the poorest populations, » he added.

But some see the situation as a chance for African countries to map out new strategies.

Benin's former prime minister Lionel Zinsou says Africa's economy had been 'extraordinarily responsive' to Covid and 'will be again' as it faces other crises
Benin’s former prime minister Lionel Zinsou says Africa’s economy had been ‘extraordinarily responsive’ to Covid and ‘will be again’ as it faces other crises Issouf SANOGO AFP/File

« We lose a good part of our crops each year due to lack of electricity and cold chain, » said Zinsou, referring to the transport of goods that need to be kept cool across the supply chain.

These losses could be reduced through infrastructure investment, he added.

For Diop, « every crisis is an opportunity to transform the situation structurally. There is potential for the economic transformation of African countries by increasing the added value created on the continent. »

‘Gain independence’

Some countries have stepped up the pace in recent years. Ivory Coast has built new cashew processing plants, while Nigeria is building a major oil refinery in Lagos.

In Guinea, foreign companies have recently been tasked with building bauxite processing plants.

« One of the consequences of the pandemic is that many groups wanted to depend less on foreign imports, » said Emmanuel Gadret, head of Deloitte in francophone Africa.

Georges Wega, deputy director of international banking networks for the Africa region at France’s Societe Generale financial group, believes that Africa has « a lot of potential » to finance its essential projects.

« This is the time for Africa to gain its independence in many aspects. We need to rely more on funds raised on the continent versus external debt, » he said.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to harmonise customs tariffs across the continent, which is gradually happening, holds out hopes of boosting intra-African trade.

« Africa has been extraordinarily responsive (to the pandemic), financially and technically, and it will be again, » said Zinsou.


Read the article on RFI.

Philippe Chalmin: «Dire que c’est l’Ukraine qui provoque une crise alimentaire mondiale est une exagération»

Le gouvernement allemand organise ce vendredi 24 juin à Berlin une conférence internationale sur la crise alimentaire liée à la guerre en Ukraine. Depuis son déplacement à Sotchi, le président sénégalais Macky Sall, président en exercice de l’Union africaine, le répète : « Il faut faciliter l’exportation du blé ukrainien à partir du port d’Odessa parce que l’Afrique est véritablement menacée de famine ». Philippe Chalmin, spécialiste des marchés de matières premières, se déclare quant à lui surpris de ce qu’il appelle une « dramatisation » de la part de la communauté internationale. « Il n’y a, selon lui, aucune raison de supplier Moscou et de donner à Poutine une arme du blé ».

Carine Frenk : Quel est selon vous l’impact du quasi-blocage de l’Ukraine sur la situation alimentaire de l’Afrique aujourd’hui ?

Pour l’instant il est faible dans la mesure où certes il y a peu de céréales qui sortent aujourd’hui d’Ukraine, mais je rappelle que l’Afrique est surtout concernée par le blé et l’Ukraine avait presque terminé sa campagne d’exportation de blé. Il reste dans les silos ukrainiens, avant la nouvelle campagne, il reste peut-être 4 à 5 millions de tonnes de blé. Mais en réalité, le véritable impact de la guerre en Ukraine sur les importations africaines de blé, c’est par le biais le prix. Il faut bien reconnaître que depuis le déclenchement de la guerre, les prix mondiaux du blé ont bien pris quand même une centaine de dollars la tonne de plus.

Mais quand on parle des exportations céréalières de l’Ukraine et qu’on en fait la cause majeure du problème alimentaire mondial, c’est une erreur d’appréciation, un raccourci de journalistes ?

Je laisse les journalistes parler de raccourci de journalistes, mais je pense que c’est un peu beaucoup de cela. Ce qui est clair, c’est que la vraie raison des tensions sur les marchés agricoles mondiaux, et qui est antérieure à la crise ukrainienne puisqu’elle remonte à 2021, c’est l’importance des achats chinois en 2021. Il est clair qu’ensuite nous avons eu une augmentation des tensions liées à la guerre en Ukraine. Donc la crise ukrainienne a amplifié un problème qui d’abord existait déjà, qui était la dépendance alimentaire excessive de nombre de pays africains qui n’ont pas fait les efforts de politique agricole suffisante. Et d’autre part, les tensions, on les avait déjà en 2021 du fait notamment de l’importance des achats chinois. Dire que c’est l’Ukraine qui provoque une crise alimentaire mondiale, c’est une exagération.

Et donc ça veut dire que vous remettez en question les analyses que font les instances européennes onusiennes ou africaines, quand elles évoquent l’urgence d’ouvrir des corridors en mer Noire pour laisser passer le blé.

Le problème, c’est que pour l’instant ces corridors laisseraient plus se passer du maïs que du blé, il faut en être honnête. Ensuite va se poser le problème de l’arrivée de la nouvelle campagne, donc de la nouvelle récolte ukrainienne. Celle-ci effectivement aura du mal à sortir. Mais je pense que plutôt que d’imaginer des corridors maritimes qui seront extrêmement difficiles à mettre en place dans la mesure où une partie de la mer est minée, et que la fiabilité du partenaire turc peut-être quand même assez facilement mis en doute, il vaut probablement mieux faire tous les efforts possibles pour essayer de développer des corridors terrestres par la route et le rail pour arriver sur le Danube et sortir par les ports roumains par exemple. On n’arrivera pas à tout sortir, mais si je me cantonne au blé, on arriverait probablement à sortir une bonne part du blé ukrainien.

Autre facteur inquiétant pour l’Afrique, c’est la pénurie d’engrais. Le président Macky Sall a évoqué à son retour de Sotchi le risque d’un effondrement de 20 à 50% des rendements céréaliers en Afrique si l’approvisionnement en engrais n’est pas assuré sur le continent. Partagez-vous ces inquiétudes ?

Alors là je crois qu’il a parfaitement raison. Le président Macky Sall touche probablement ce qui est le talon d’Achille, à l’heure actuelle, de l’agriculture africaine. Je crois qu’il faut appeler un chat un chat : la crise alimentaire africaine, elle est avant tout une crise de la pauvreté, une crise de la mal gouvernance, une crise de la mauvaise gestion des politiques agricoles et pour certaines régions, mais aussi une crise climatique, je pense à la sécheresse qui touche la corne de l’Afrique.

Lire l’interview sur le site de RFI.

« Les risques de crise financière ressurgissent avec force »

La remontée des taux d’intérêt – et la fuite de capitaux qui en découle – associée à la sous-estimation par le système financier des risques climatique, « cyber » et géopolitique fait peser de graves menaces sur l’économie mondiale, alerte, dans une tribune au « Monde », l’économiste Hélène Rey.

Au moment où presque toutes les banques centrales retirent des liquidités de l’économie pour combattre l’inflation, la crainte de crises financières ressurgit avec force. Dans un environnement où les Etats et les secteurs privés sont très endettés et où les prix des actifs sont souvent surévalués, le retournement du cycle financier global est à craindre. Car, plus le resserrement des politiques monétaires est important, plus la création de crédit ralentit, et plus les flux de capitaux se tarissent et les primes de risque augmentent, parfois de façon excessive. La Réserve fédérale américaine joue un rôle particulièrement important pour le cycle financier mondial et donne le ton sur les marchés financiers internationaux : lorsqu’elle coupe les liquidités, l’aversion au risque augmente et la valeur des actifs risqués (bitcoin, actions, etc.) chute.

La situation actuelle rappelle dans une certaine mesure la période précédant la crise de la dette de l’Amérique latine des années 1980, soulignait Richard Portes, professeur à la London Business School et fondateur du Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), lors du premier symposium du CEPR à Paris, le 2 juin, où ce réseau européen de 1 600 chercheurs vient d’installer son siège, auparavant situé à Londres. La montée des taux et l’augmentation des primes de risque pourraient déstabiliser les pays émergents en raison des fuites de capitaux et des crises de change. On peut ajouter que les restructurations de dette qui seront probablement nécessaires seront bien plus difficiles à gérer dans un monde où le multilatéralisme est moribond et où la Chine est un créditeur important mais n’est pas membre du Club de Paris, l’institution réunissant les créanciers publics où se négocient lesdites restructurations.

Au-delà des pays émergents, certaines économies avancées seront aussi sous pression : les risques de fragmentation de la zone euro apparaissent à nouveau avec le retrait de liquidités par la Banque centrale européenne (BCE). Il est important que des écarts de taux entre pays de la zone existent, car ils reflètent des risques de crédit hétérogènes, mais la BCE ne peut les laisser diverger car cela signalerait un risque d’éclatement de la zone euro.

Les nouveaux « faux actifs sûrs »

A ces risques traditionnels de premier ordre se greffe une série de facteurs d’apparition de nouvelles crises. Quand les perceptions des acteurs financiers sur l’activité économique future deviennent plus pessimistes, les actifs préalablement étiquetés comme sûrs et utilisés comme garantie auprès des débiteurs deviennent soudainement douteux, rappelait dans ce même symposium du CEPR Stephen Cecchetti, ancien conseiller économique de la Banque des règlements internationaux (BRI). Leurs prix peuvent alors chuter et entraîner avec eux une partie du système financier.

Lire la tribune dans son intégralité dans Le Monde.