François Drouin

President of ETI FINANCE (SMEs and Midcaps financing), GAGEO (Asset based lending) and IFIMM (Real estate). Former chairman of the Board for the Autoroutes et Tunnel du Mont Blanc and of Société Française du Tunnel Routier du Fréjus,  former Vice President of the French Public Investment Bank (BPI). Former CEO of OSEO (the French Agency for Innovation and SMEs financing). Former Engineer at the Directorate of Navigation of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, Managing Director of the Caisse de Dépôts (French public financial institution) for the Normandie Region and later on for the Bourgogne region, Chairman of the Board for the Caisses d’Epargne (French savings banks) in the Midi-Pyrenees and for the Crédit Foncier de France (National mortgage bank of France). He holds a degree from the Ecole Polytechnique and from the ENPC (corps des Ponts).