Chairman & CEO of Burelle and Honorary Chairman of Plastic Omnium. Honorary President, MEDEF International (2005-2016). Manufacturing engineer at L’Oréal (1966-1967). He was Department Head, General Manager, Chairman & CEO of Plastic Omnium (1967-2001). He was among others Director and President of the Compensation Committee of Essilor International (1997-2009), Board Member of the German-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1997-2003), Director of the French-American Chamber of Commerce (1999-2005) and Director of Lyon School of Management (EM Lyon) (2004-2010). He was also member of the Executive Committee of Medef (2002-2005). He is a member of the Supervisory Board of Banque Hottinguer since 2005. He graduated from the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. He holds a MBA from Harvard University.